Death by invulnerability

A poem

Paige Pizza
3 min readMay 4, 2020

You learned power would make you whole
You learned status would make you whole.
You learned money would make you whole.
You learned that there is not enough for everyone.
You learned that humans should be ordered in a pyramid
You learned to numb vulnerability
You learned that your self worth is an if-then statement
If I’m richer
If I’m thinner
If I’m smarter
If I’m faster
If I’m better
If I’m in control
If I never show weaknesses
Then I will be great
Then I will be happy
Then I will be enough
Then I will be whole
I will die with money in my pockets and a legacy of winning.

Your life’s mission of security has made you numb.
You are so afraid of vulnerability you traded in your empathy.
Don’t you see you’ve lost your humanity?
Is stopping blue votes worth killing people?

People will die in Wisconsin.

I rack my brain. Angry.

How do you 5 supreme judges sleep?
How do you justify this morally?
More people will die.
They will die alone.
Did you think of your father?
Your mother.
Your son.
Your daughter.
Police officers.

The world is not us and them.
We are all humans.
We all will die one day.
Numbing yourself from vulnerability and weakness is killing you.
Killing your compassion.
Killing your empathy.
Killing your humanity.
When you die do you want your great-great-grandchildren to be confused by your lack of empathy?
Your desire to keep control.
Your desire to keep power.
Let it go.
Stop trying to control.
You have always been whole.
You are human.
Your life is worth the same as every other person on this beautiful planet.
We are all worthy of love.

Let go of you ifs and thens. Just be.

Confidence does not come from controlling everything
It’s is letting go and knowing you can’t control your experiences but that you will be.

Give me your hands.
Let me help you get feeling.
Let me help you find meaning.

Don’t dare with demands.
I’m on my own.
In a crowd still alone.
My hands protect me
Sacrifice for security

But bones broken in fists
Invisible shackles on wrists
Fiendish for a fight
You hold on too tight
Let me show you it feels to let go

Give me your hands
Let me help you get feeling

You are wrong
I am strong
Where I belong

You are numb
You are cold
Heavy with all your certainty
Weighed down by security
Pulled in all directions by power
Controlled by control
Let go
Let go
Sounds scary
I know

Seems Safe in its box
But souls aren’t meant to be squashed

You cling to sameness
Sameness is safe
Your holding so tight you can’t see
That you’ve lost your humanity

Please take my hands
Be brave. Make a connection
Let me warm your cold fists
Time to rest your tired bones
We are not meant to be all alone
We are not meant to know all.


